Course Excellence

Each course includes features that will enhance your learning experience.

  • Interactive Discussion Board

    Stay connected with your coach throughout the week. Receive reflective questions, tips to stay motivated, and keys to help shift your mindset toward selfless service.

  • Mid-Week Motivation

    Receive mid-week motivational tools and tactical tips through text messages that bring you back to the selfless service mindset. With minimal interruption to your week, these simple and quick notes will keep you on track and moving forward.

  • Live Video Sessions and Q&A

    Be an active part of the course and discuss session topics live with your coach and peers. Know you're heard and get the tools you need to be successful for yourself, your team, and your organization.

Success Through the Fundamentals of Selfless Service

6 Week Course Every Thursdays at 9am (MST) January 23 - March 5, 2020

Join us Thursday, January 23 as we begin our 6-session live coaching course. The path to selflessness is a long and dedicated process of intentional change. Rather than pushing forward on your own, our Fundamentals of Selfless Service course will kickstart you to a faster and easier transformation to selflessness. In this course, you will assess the current levels of selflessness in your life and business. Learn how to discover and reinvent the selfless leader in yourself. Examine how your culture may be affecting your employee retention and hiring. Learn strategies to build deeper, longer lasting relationships with prospects, clients and within your community. Imagine the value to your company of attracting key talent, decreasing employee turnover, and increasing client retention. Put yourself on the fast track to success through selfless service with this fundamentals course.
Reserve My Seat Today

Seats are Limited, Join us Thursday, January 23

Use promo code "KI2020" by January 21, 2019 and save $250

Reserve My Seat Today

Translating Selflessness in a Competitive Environment

4 sessions / Open Pre-enrollment

In this course, we'll debunk the idea that selflessness in a business setting is unreachable. Though it seems complicated, it doesn't have to be. We'll look at the affects of self-serving service and what that does to the "competitive edge" within and among companies. Between sessions, this course provides an online space for interactive discussion where you'll reflect on how you've implemented the week's concepts, gain inter-industry insights, and receive thought-provoking feedback from your coach. You'll be challenged to look at your own organization's approach, identify problem areas, and take action toward transforming your business and interactions toward selfless service. **Pre-enrollment for this course is free. Once the full course is available, you will receive information on how to register.
Pre-enroll for this course!

Unlock Success the Keyser Way

6 sessions / Open Pre-enrollment

Build a foundational knowledge for your journey toward selfless service and the success it brings. This is a fantastic first course for those new to the Keyser Institute and selfless service. In this six-week online coaching course, you will learn the key elements of the Three Levels of Reinvention in a comfortable, professional setting. You'll explore the intricacies of the selfless service model with one of our knowledgeable coaches using concept overview, discussion, and Q&A within a community of likeminded business leaders. Between sessions, each course provides an online space for interactive discussion where you'll reflect on how you've implemented the week's concepts, gain inter-industry insights, and receive thought-provoking feedback from your coach. You'll be challenged to take action within your own organization and watch as your perspective and approach take on a new form. By the end of this course, you'll have taken the first steps toward transforming your business toward selfless service. **Pre-enrollment for this course is free. Once the full course is available, you will receive information on how to register.
Pre-enroll for this course!

Unleashing the Badass Within

6 sessions / Open Pre-enrollment

Explore the fundamental concepts of what it means to be truly selfless. Before real change can happen within a team or organization, that change must first happen within the individual. As you work with your online coach in this comfortable, professional group setting, you will begin to pinpoint your own problem areas and learn key elements to transforming your perspective toward selfless service. Between sessions, each course provides an online space for interactive discussion where you'll reflect on how you've implemented the week's concepts, gain inter-industry insights, and receive thought-provoking feedback from your coach. You'll be challenged to take action, starting with yourself, and be an active force in your own process of reinvention. **Pre-enrollment for this course is free. Once the full course is available, you will receive information on how to register.
Pre-enroll for this course!

Got Sucky Service?

4 sessions / Open Pre-enrollment

What do you think of when you think "customer service"? The idea of "customer service" and being "customer oriented" have lost their meaning. They help draw in customers, sure. But then what? How do you know you're achieving what you promise? Chances are, you aren't. Look around the room during a client meeting. Eyes are looking at phones and laptops, hands are writing notes and doodles. They're distracted. They're missing something. In this course, you'll learn key concepts that will positively infiltrate every aspect of your organization, teaching you to be fully present with your clients and actively show them they are your number one priority. Between sessions, each course provides a space for interactive discussion where you'll reflect on how you've implemented the week's concepts, gain inter-industry insights, and receive thought-provoking feedback from your coach. You'll be challenged to redefine "customer oriented" using a mindset of selfless service that will transform your approach to every interaction, so you are recognizing the unseen opportunity for greater success and partnership with your clients. **Pre-enrollment for this course is free. Once the full course is available, you will receive information on how to register.
Pre-enroll for this course!

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